As an industry leader in medical technology marketing, Jerome Clavel has a very busy schedule. Whether you are a parent or an executive with a varying schedule, we all want more time to do things for ourselves. But how do you find the time when you are too busy? This article will help you use your time more efficiently to cook delicious meals for your family and friends while still having time to enjoy them.
Cook Once, Eat Twice
By “cook once, eat twice,” it means when you make something that takes time, you should make a larger amount to make it go farther. The basic idea is to cook in bulk. If you are only afforded a few times in the week to prepare a meal, it saves a lot of time by either warming up leftovers or throwing together the already prepped ingredients.
Plan Ahead
One of the most common ways to waste time is to try to rush through a task. For example, you will typically start a recipe with the best intentions of making a good meal but find yourself struggling to make it come out as good as you wanted it to. The problem is you did not make time for planning. Instead, try planning out your meals as much as possible. This can be a challenge at first, but it is worth the extra effort. It allows you to make healthier meals by making the choices ahead of time, and you do not feel rushed when you are cooking because you know you have all the time you need.
Prep Ingredients Throughout the Day
This means making a salad in the morning, cutting up vegetables for tacos at night, or washing herbs before you head out. By doing this, you eliminate waste and have the ingredients to make your meal.
Clean As You Go
As you cook, wipe down surfaces and surfaces that are easy to clean as you go. For example, keep your counters free of clutter or ingredients that could get messy if they get wet, and leave countertops clear of greasy food debris or oil stains that can adhere to the tops of glassware. After cooking, wipe down the stovetop with a clean cloth or a paper towel. With this technique, you will always keep your stovetop clean and save yourself the headache of going back to clean after your meal.
Eating well at home is a great way to provide nutritious meals for you or your family. By following these simple tips, you will save time in the kitchen and have more time to dedicate to other hobbies you enjoy.