If you’ve ever thought about trying out the art of calligraphy, now is a perfect time. Jerome Clavel uses calligraphy to escape the stresses of work and practice what was once a lost art. So, whether you want to improve your handwriting or are keen on crafting beautiful invitations and announcements, his tips will help you get started.
Getting the Right Materials
The right pens will have different writing characteristics, so it’s best to learn what works for you and your writing style before you start writing. To help you learn:
- Try a set of inexpensive professional calligraphy pens and practice with one pen at a time.
- Use only one pen for each letter you want to write, as they offer different characteristics.
- Experiment with various tips and different styles until you find something that works for you.
Practice Makes Perfect
Despite his years of practicing, Jerome Clavel says you never reach the max of practicing calligraphy, no matter how talented you are. You’re going to need to spend some time practicing perfecting the art, which means you’re going to need a good set of practice materials. These are typically used to correct your mistakes and prevent bad habits from developing. You can find all sorts of calligraphy sets for less than $10, and some even offer premium extras like tip sheets and helpful learning guides.
As it’s the first step in learning how to write calligraphy, you must understand it correctly. Start with a single piece of paper, a quote, or your signature. Make sure it’s large enough that you can trace it on a piece of white paper. Tracing is a slow process; you should try to replicate the lettering as closely as possible. Take note of any inconsistencies. It’s okay to change up your details, such as changes in size or placement of letters, so long as they’re minimal. Once you feel comfortable with tracing, you can move onto the next step.
Letter Size
Most calligraphers work with a 5.5 x 8.5 font size (an A4 sheet of paper, to be exact). There’s no secret to mastering this font size, but there are a few things you need to know to get the most out of the exercise. First, practice holding a pencil correctly so that the tip doesn’t leave your hand. Next, draw random letters of the alphabet a few times. Finally, figure out the optimal angle for each stroke to ensure it lines up perfectly with the other parts of the alphabet.
Although the activity can be tedious, Jerome Clavel ensures calligraphy is a great way to relax and unwind from the stresses of life. Outside of holistic benefits, practicing the art of handwriting can help improve your concentration, ability to acquire information, and vocabulary. Thus, calligraphy will prove to be an overall benefit to any person’s life.